Introducing “RUSHER”
The symbol of ‘The Healing Dawgs’ is love and the belief in human and spiritual continual development.
Keep your eye out for Rusher.
The symbol of ‘The Healing Dawgs’. Love and the belief in human and spiritual continual development.
The Healing Dawgs
Promotes healing of the mind, body, and spirit as well as partnerships with the community to advocate for Veterans, children, and the homeless. Today, Byner is known for humbly sharing encouragement and hope to help people get through tough times and triumph as winners both on and off the field, by sharing his story “Everybody Fumbles”. Recently, The Healing Dawgs visited Washington DC VA Medical Center to celebrate with the Veterans and have a “Super Bowl Sundae” Party. Teammate, Ricky Ervins joined Byner to bring a lot of joy to the Veterans, especially those that were in more intensive care. The experience was so humbling to him, that his Healing Dawgs foundation is currently partnering with the VA Medical Center in Cleveland to deal with issues such as suicide, drug use and concussions with a focus on how to increase the awareness of resources available to our Veterans in need. Byner will be hosting a special event with the Veterans on July 30th, the Sunday before the Hall of Fame Game with a special tribute to the Veterans of Cleveland.